JavaScript. Yikes.

Eventually it’ll make sense.

Claire Sheek
3 min readAug 3, 2020

I’m not going to lie, I’m impressed with myself and how far I’ve already come in the past.. 4 weeks.

  • Everything seems much less complicated after doing it 50 times. “Practice makes progress"
  • Failure just means you learned one more way that it doesn’t work — still learning, still counts!

1 | “How is JavaScript different from CSS? In what ways? How are they similar?”

I guess to put it as simply as possible: they both help bring the website to life and make it usable. CSS is in charge of the layout and style of the web page. JavaScript makes it functional, interactive, etc.

2 | How do you map the many different DOM methods and properties in your mind? How would you describe them to a non-developer?”

I don’t yet. I’m not even close to having a map in my head yet. It’s more like someone at the gas station gave me verbal directions to my destination and I miraculously made my way there somehow. I could probably retrace my steps but I couldn’t draw you a map yet. Give me another week and we’ll see how I’m doing.

3 | “What do you find surprising about coding so far? Do you find anything easy? What? Why?”

I’m surprised by how straightforward HTML and CSS are. I mean, you have to learn the lingo, and there’s a lot of stuff I get stuck on or just don’t know. But it’s not like learning another language, it’s still English and it’s very logical once you learn “whys" of how things work.

4 | “What’s difficult about coding for you? Why?”

Remembering everything. Thank god for Google. How did people even learn how to code without Google, or YouTube? That’s a serious question. Books? Did they just memorize everything? My mind is being flooded with new information everyday. I’m now writing things down if I’ve had to google them more than 2 or 3 times.

5 | “What’s cool about event listeners? Why are they useful and what more would you like to learn about them?”

Event listeners are super cool because they make sites responsive to a user’s actions! I just picture a cute little excited Disney style robot running my JS, and they have a clipboard with whole list of event listeners and functions to run if they happen. But it’s their first day at work and there’s too many coming in at once and then the wind comes and blows away they’re list! Everything is ruined and the site crashes. I feel ya, little robot. We’ll get through this together.

6 | “Why are you motivated? Why are you in this class?”

I get excited about learning new things, a life long learner. I get bored and unmotivated without new goals. That’s part of the reason I gravitated towards coding; it’s a field that’s still growing and evolving, there’s always going to be new things to learn or create.

