Getting Personal..

Claire Sheek
4 min readAug 18, 2020

This week we’re not talkin’ about coding! We’re going on a deep-dive into my life and my brain:

1 | “How do you describe the feeling of Imposter Syndrome? When does it affect you the most? Why?”

Up to this point, I haven’t experienced Imposter Syndrome with Coding, yet… but I have struggled with it a lot this past year, in my current job, so I know what to watch for. Sometimes it feels like I’m not supposed to be here, like I got her by a stroke of luck or maybe they meant to call someone else and got me on accident. Now I know that’s not the case, I know I have my strengths, and there are things I’m confident in. However, I struggle with it, especially when my greatest weakness is involved and it seems like it’s everyone else’s strength; it’s intimidating. Instead of stepping up and working on it I let the fear of failure in front of others, or their possible judgment, win me over every time. I’m aware of it now, and working on it though, and that’s what counts!

2 | “What have you learned about the tech world that you are happy to know?”

Accessibility! I had no idea that so many steps had been taken in the tech industry to make things more accessible to everyone and I think it’s amazing. It’s definitely something I want to learn more about and make sure I’m putting into practice and implementing right out the gate.

3 | “Why is the way we talk to ourselves in our inner mind so important? What effect can it have on our well-being?”

Man, we’re getting into some deep topics today. I’ll try not to write a novel. Or maybe I will. We’ll see!

We’ve all been through dark times, everybody’s going through something (especially right now). But how you perceive that struggle and how you choose to deal with it will make or break you. Negative self-talk tends to lead to more negative emotions and behavior, whereas positive self-talk is shown to improve motivation, confidence and productivity (and all around well-being)!

I’ve been through times where my my inner dialog was so incredibly negative, it quickly turned into a downward spiral of self doubt. But I’m also proud to say I’ve managed to climb out of that hole (with help) and learned how to flip those negative thoughts upside-down. If you’re struggling with negative self-talk and low self-confidence a recommend looking up cognitive distortions. Go ahead. Google it. I’ll wait… cognitive distortions, which are all about our [negative] inner mind, are were a huge part of the problem for me. If you learn about what types of distortions there are you can also learn about how to reprogram the way you talk to yourself.

4 | “What about this course is challenging you the most? How do you think you are growing through it?”

The fact that most of the course content is covered on my own time is both a blessing and a curse. It’s great because it make things really flexible. However, it’s also the most challenging aspect because if I don’t manage my time well I find myself cramming everything in over the weekend. I’m juggling multiple jobs, school, and some resemblance of a social life; some weeks are crazier than others. It’s good for me though! I’m working on my time management skills.

5 | “How has podcast listening influenced the way you think?”

I’ve actually had a hard time scheduling podcasts into my time. If I listen to them while I’m working on something I don’t pay much attention to them. I’ve followed a bunch though and I’m looking forward to being able to listen to them on my commute once I start going back into work on the 1st.

6 | “What has your spare time looked like in-comparison to what it looked like a year ago?”

Alright, well, you need some back story for this one. The CliffNotes version: I was in the middle of getting out of a rough marriage, had just moved to another state, and started a new job. So, this time last year my spare time was consumed by figuring out my life, getting back up on my feet, and listening to a lot of personal development audiobooks. In comparison to now, in the midst of Covid, I’m spending my free time trying to balance working toward goals I set for myself last year (i.e. school/studying), and keeping in touch with friends and family during the pandemic.

